Remember This:  Your story is just that -your story.  Tell your UNTOLD Story -the story you have kept silent for months or even years, the other side of the story that has made those you once respected separate themselves from you.

Let their jaws drop open to the floor, and let them realize they were wrong about you.  Let them realize you have a mind of your own, that you know more than you say, that you observe more than you let on, that you don’t need their approval, and that they cannot imprison you by what they say about you or by what actions they take against you.  Let them realize they are not the reason for your success or for the better choices you have made for you and for your life.


If no one is encouraging you, then let me encourage you today; Free yourself up, and let it all hang out.

Much Love To You All, L.A. Knowles

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” -King David